How Do I Create an Envelope?

An Envelope is used as a wrapper when sending out a document for electronic signing.

You can create an Envelope and send it out for signing as follows:

  1. From a document, click on the Create Envelope button to create an envelope
  2. Fill in the envelope name, the Sender user and the Signing user
  3. Click the Save button
  4. Tick the envelope recipients that you would like to add to the envelope
  5. Click on the Save button

The envelope will be created with the details you added.

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Edit The Envelope

You can change the envelope details by clicking the Edit button from the Envelope.

  • Envelope name - the name of the Envelope
  • Sender user - the user name that will be used on the email that is sent to the recipients
  • Signer user - the user that will be able to sign the document. This is optional and can be set to None if no user signer is required

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Add or Remove Recipients

Envelope recipients are be shown in the Recipients list on the Envelope page.

You can Add recipients by clicking the Add Recipient button. Available recipients will depend on the type of document.

To remove a recipient, click the Remove button next to each recipient in the list

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Sign an Envelope Document

If the envelope has a signer user then that user will be able to sign the document using a Sign link on the Envelope page.

If the user is not the signer user, they will not be able to sign the document.

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Send an Envelope

You can send an Envelope to the Recipients by clicking on the Send button on the Envelope page.

Each envelope costs 2 Domus credits which will be debited upon the first send.

The recipients will be sent an email with a secure link to the Envelope. You will be notified when each recipient has signed.

The signed Envelope will be stored in your account and the tenant's account for future reference.

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Envelope History

The Envelope History shows a list of sender and recipient activities to date.

The History shows the date/time, user, activity and IP address. Here are some of the events that appear in the History:

  • Sent - the Envelope was sent to the recipient
  • Viewed - the recipient clicked the link to view the documents
  • Signed - the recipient finished signing the document

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Download a PDF of the Document

You can download a PDF copy of the signed document as follows:

  1. Find the Envelope from the Envelope list (on the Sales or Letting page)
  2. Go into the document in the Envelope Documents panel
  3. Click on the PDF button to download a PDF copy to your device

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Verify the Electronic Signature

You may at some point need to verify the integrity of the electronic signature, for example in a court case.

You can do this by clicking on the signature from the Envelope Recipients list which will display the full details of the electronic signature and verify its integrity.

Video Guide

Envelopes and E Signing Full Tutorial

To see the full journey of setting up an envelope through to completion please view the video tutorial below.

Video Guide

Topic: Integrations

About Domus Software

This article is published by Domus Estate and Letting Agency Software.

Domus is an easy to use cloud based estate and letting agent software for estate agents to manage sales, lettings, accounting and a client portal.

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