How do I setup reminders?
You can setup reminders for various events connected to properties and tenancies.
Reminders can be found on the Letting Dashboard in the Reminders panel and the Sales Dashboard in the Reminders panel
Letting Reminders
Property Reminders
To setup a property reminder, add the date from the Edit Property page in the Maintenance Reminders section.
You can add a reminder for the following:
- Gas Safety Checks
- Electrical Checks
- Insurance Renewals
- EPC Renewals
Tenancy Reminders
To setup a tenancy reminder, add the date from the Edit Tenancy page in the Maintenance Reminders section.
You can add a reminder for the following:
- Property inspections
- Notices to quit
- Terminating tenancies
Sales Reminders
To setup a property reminder, add the date from the Edit Property page in the Maintenance Reminders section.
You can add a reminder for the following:
- EPC Renewal