Started by Caroline Sturtridge on 2014-03-27 10:33:19.659
Last night we updated the system with the following new features:
* You can now submit your own Feature Requests which other people can then vote on. Click on Help in the top right of Domus, and then select 'Feature Requests'.
* You can now also comment on Feature Requests, just like you can on Forum discussions.
* Every Domus user now has a User Profile. To view and/or edit your Profile, click on the 'Admin' tab. When you create any post within either the Forum or the Feature Request sections, other users will then be able to click through to view your profile.
* It is now possible to make applicants inactive buying or renting applicants in bulk from the applicant list.
* New search filters have been added to the applicants list - click on 'More options' on the applicants page to see them.
* In our Pro package, it is now possible to have activate a second Tenancy on a Property even if there is an already Active Tenancy on that property.
* If you turn on Event Notifications for an event which is set to 'Confirmed' or 'Cancelled' and then save the event, email notifications will be sent.
Please comment below if you have any queries about this update.